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Best time to climb Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa)

Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) is the most popular mountain in the UK and the tallest in Wales. On the right day the experience of climbing it and marvelling at the incredible views is unbeatable.

Infographic showing data on best months to climb Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) based on weather and popularity

In terms of weather, April to July are the best months to climb Snowdon. July is the hottest with the lowest windspeeds & best visibility. It is also the second most popular month. If you want the idyllic combination of quiet footpaths & good weather; spring is a good choice.

A great day on Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) usually involves good weather. In addition to this many people value quiet footpaths. The factors you place most value on have the biggest impact on when is the best time to climb.

In this article we have analysed all the factors so you can choose the best time based on your preferences. 

Infographic showing the popularity of Snowdon each season, month and day

Most Popular Time

Summer is the busiest season by some margin. More people climb Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) in summer than the rest of the year combined!

Most popular month

The number of people climbing Snowdon increases throughout the spring and summer with visitor numbers peaking at over 115,000 in August, which is the most popular month. After this visitor numbers drop off sharply and by October are around a quarter of August.

Most Popular Day

Saturday is unsurprisingly the most popular day of the week on the mountain with around three times as many people as the other days. If you want a quiet walk, any mid-week day is best.

Bank holiday weekend's are the busiest. If the weather is good, the August bank holiday Saturday is the busiest single day of the year!

The worst of the crowds can be avoided by choosing one of the quieter footpaths

Most popular time of day

Most people start their walk in the morning and reach the top of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) between 11am and 3pm. This includes most organised events and charity walks. Consequently, the summit can be very busy at this time.

The summit can be fairly quiet until mid morning and again in the late afternoon even in the peak season.

Sunrise and sunset are the quietest time at the summit

Best time to avoid the crowds

The best time to avoid the crowds is any mid-week day outside of summer. Snowdon is pretty quiet from October to Easter. December and January see less people in the whole month than a single day in August.

Hikers enjoying blue skies and warm sunshine on Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa)

Best time for good Weather

For many people, good weather is the most important factor for climbing Snowdon. Weather composes of various metrics which we have analysed below. Ideal weather comes down to luck on the day with excellent conditions found on individual days year round.

There is no best single month with different months outperforming others on specific weather metrics. July scores highest in most but not all weather factors.

We have analyzed past weather data so you can stack the odds in your favour and make an informed decision as to which month is most likely to have the best weather.

Best Month for Temperatures

The warmest months are unsurprisingly June, July and August. This data is slightly misleading though as hotter is not necessarily better! 

Walking up Snowdon is a strenuous physical activity with little shade and you have to carry your own water. Climbing a mountain on a boiling hot day is a sweaty affair and heat exhaustion is a common cause of Mountain Rescue call outs!

Many people prefer the temperatures either side of the summer (April, May, September and October) as they are not too hot and often more pleasant for the strenuous nature of mountain hiking.

Info graphic showing rainfall, temperature, windspeed, visibility and sunset times for Snowdon

Best Month for rain

I often find myself wearing waterproofs in August and I had long suspected it to be the month with the highest rainfall during peak season (Apr- Sep). Researching this blog has confirmed that!

Statistically, April is the driest month with just 110mm of precipitation and is the start of a four month dry spell which continues until the end of July. If you want your waterproof to stay in your bag then April to July is the best time to visit.

What the data doesn’t show is how the rain falls. In June and July the rain often falls as short, sharp showers. As daylight hours in June and July are so long, it is often possible to avoid the rain altogether by checking the weather forecast and being off the hill when it is predicted to fall. 

Best Month for Wind

According to our subscribers; low windspeed is the most desired type of weather to hike up Snowdon. They value this metric more than no rain, high temperatures and good visibility. They also preferred low windspeed to low footpath users and I agree with them! High winds makes hiking cold, challenging and potentially dangerous. 

Based on this one factor, April and July are the best months as they have the lowest average windspeeds of 22mph. This is closely followed by September. 

Best Month for Good Views 

Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) is the tallest mountain in Wales. It is the highest point for hundreds of miles and because of this it has excellent views from the summit on a clear day. 

According to the data July is the best month for visibility with views extending for 30km on average. The months around this; June & August are the next best.

Best Month for Daylight hours

The hours of daylight varies considerably throughout the year with 7 hours 35 mins (average) in December and nearly 17 hours for much of June.

May, June and July have the longest days with over 15 hours of daylight so are perfect for long summer days and late (or early) starts.

With the exception of December, there should be enough daylight hours for most people to climb Snowdon and get back down before it gets dark if they start early. 

Be aware that many people get caught out after the clocks change on the last weekend of October. Suddenly it gets dark an hour earlier with November seeing the sun set as early as 16:03. Don't forget the headtorch!

Best season for weather

Summer is the best season for good weather in general. The days are long, warm and sunny. Visibility is also at its best but there is the increased risk of dangerous summer storms (thunder and lightning).

The chance of unfavourable weather such as strong winds and rain is lower than other seasons.

Infographic showing ranking of best months to climb Snowdon based on temperature, rain, wind, visibility and daylight hours

Best Month to climb Snowdon

Statistically, July is the best month as it ranks first on more metrics than any other month with the highest temperatures, lowest windspeed and best visibility.

In addition, low rainfall and long days characterise the month. There is just 24mm more of the wet stuff falling in July than April (the driest month). On all weather metrics, July is either the best or one of the best months.

July is also the second most popular month. This makes it the best time for many people but this does make the footpaths busier and the summit more crowded.

Reasons to climb Snowdon

Favourable weather is the preferred factor for most individuals who climb Snowdon hence the popularity of the summer months. Next we will look at specific reasons to hike and the best time for each of these.

Large groups

Large groups such as charity groups and corporate groups have a big impact on Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon).

Because of the already very busy nature of Saturdays this day is best avoided especially in the summer months. Saturdays in spring and autumn or weekdays in summer are a better time for large groups.

Best time for big days

Long days are best for long multi-mountain routes such as the Snowdon Horseshoe, National Three Peaks or Welsh 3000’s. June and July are the perfect time for these challenges.

Fitter teams can do any of these earlier or later in the year but more time will be spent hiking in darkness.

Best time for photographers

Capturing a single mountain moment is delightful. Autumn (October) in particular, is the best time for photography. The colours of autumn are at their richest as the bracken dies back and deciduous forests light-up the landscape with fiery tapestry of molten crimson, honey gold, and caramel amber.

Best time for nature lovers

The hills are alive with the sound of nature in the spring and summer. 

Spring is particularly good time with nature waking up again after winter. The bracken fronds unfurl, bluebells add a splash of colour to the Watkin Path and the new born lambs are visible on every footpath. They often play by chasing each other and jumping from rock to rock which is a life-affirming sight.

The diversity and abundance of flora is at it's best during the summer months. June is a particularly good month for many arctic alpine wildflowers.

Welsh mountain goats can be spotted on Snowdon’s quieter footpaths throughout the year.

Best time for amenities

The Snowdon Train and the Hafod Eryri cafe/ visitor centre at the summit is usually open from May to October - weather permitting. This can benefit hikers as there are bathrooms and refreshments at the cafe. However, the Cafe is serviced by the Snowdon Train so when it is open there are literally train loads of tourists making the summit even busier. 


The summer months of June, July and August are the best time to hike up Snowdon in terms of weather and popularity. This time of year ticks all the boxes for warm temperatures, good visibility, long days as well as low rainfall & wind.

For people looking for less heat, quieter footpaths, nature, or the perfect photo; spring and autumn are incredible. This is also a good time for large groups. The low visitor numbers combined with the favourable weather found in April make it particularly appealing.

Final thoughts

The weather in the mountains is unpredictable. Prepare for you hike and...

  • Always take essential hiking equipment such as warm clothes and waterproofs

  • Check the weather forecast before you set off and pack appropriately

  • Remember to check the feels like temperature as this is often much colder than the actual temperature

  • Check the windspeed, especially for ridges such as Crib Goch and South Ridge

  • Set off early to give yourself more daylight hours

  • Take a head torch especially in autumn and winter

  • Be aware of summer storms. Although rainfall is fairly low in June, July and August, this is the time of year which is most likely to see summer storms. Being on top of a mountain in a thunderstorm is scary and dangerous


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