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What food is best for climbing Snowdon?

Strenuous hiking consumes 200-600 calories an hour which is much more than watching Netflix on the sofa all day. Fueling your body with the right foods at the right time will give you the energy and motivation needed.

A mountain guide holding various snacks with Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) in the background

High energy foods that you are familiar with are the best fuel for Snowdon. Carbohydrates are recommended leading up to the hike and should be a large part of the main meal on the mountain. Snacks that release energy quickly keep energy levels and motivation topped up.

Prepare to succeed climbing Snowdon

Good nutrition should start as early as possible in order to get the body in good shape and reduce the risk of injury. 

In the weeks and months leading up to the hike aim to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Those who are following a training plan for Snowdon might want to consider eating additional protein to provide the muscles with the fuel they need for growth and repair.

When to eat?

The meal the night before and on the morning of the walk are important to give your body the energy reserves in the form of glycogen it needs for the whole day!

When on the mountain it's good to eat little and often. This will stop you feeling tired and lethargic. The general rule is to snack every 2-3 hours or when you feel energy levels drop.

In addition to this, it's time to reach for the mountain snacks if you...

  • Feel lethargic

  • Start tripping over rocks (or your own feet)

  • Feel morale dip

  • Feel cold

Unless you are one of the few people who can get up and down Snowdon in just a few hours it's a good idea to have a decent meal on the mountain. This is usually lunch and around half way which is usually the summit. If you need more than just a snack it's important to stop and eat.

Infographic showing when to eat meals and snacks for Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa)

How many calories do you burn climbing Snowdon?

Most people burn around 2000 calories hiking up and down Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon). This can vary significantly depending on fitness levels, overall weight (bodyweight plus bag weight), intensity and route choice.

How much food for Snowdon

Because you burn so many calories over an extended period of time it's important to consume a similar amount to keep your energy levels high.

Most people should aim to consume around 2000 calories before and during the hike. This will usually consist of breakfast, lunch and snacks.

Consider how much food you eat generally and how long you are likely to be hiking. 

It’s sensible to take a little more than you need. The rule for mountains is; it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! 

Snacks are worth their weight in gold when you feel tired, like you don't have the energy to carry on, feel cold or morale dip.

You won’t regret taking that extra [ insert snack here ] but you might regret not having it.

What to eat the night before Snowdon

Glycogen is your body's main source of energy. It is a form of glucose (sugar) that is stored in the body and is the metabolic fuel for your muscles.

Keeping these glycogen levels high is key. Carbohydrates are best for this so eat a carb based plate the night before. Pasta, rice and potato are fantastic and whole wheat pasta or brown rice is even better as they release energy over a longer period of time which drip feeds your glycogen stores.

Try to avoid [too much] alcohol and anything high in fat such as cheese, cream or pastries as these can sit heavy in your stomach and transit through your gut slowly (not ideal in the wilderness!).

What to eat for breakfast

Again, this meal has the aim of maximising glycogen stores for the start of the walk and as with the night before, carbs are king. Some good breakfast options include:

  • Porridge [ with banana and berries ]

  • Wholemeal toast, scrambled eggs and avocado

  • Bagel and peanut butter

  • Fruit and yogurt

  • Smoothie

Personally, I don’t find toast or yoghurt to be filling enough so I have a big bowl of porridge with nuts, seeds, banana, berries and maple syrup. 

If you don't normally eat breakfast it's best to eat something rather than nothing. If you really can't stomach a few mouthfuls then a smoothie is a decent option. If you really, really can't stomach anything then make sure you take the additional calories in your bag and be prepared to stop when you need to.

Lunch and a snack of flapjack and tea on the Snowdonia (Eryri) mountains

What to eat on Snowdon

Most people take 6-7 hours to walk up and down Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) so a substantial meal (usually lunch) is required plus a good selection of high energy snacks.

Surprisingly, you might not feel that hungry when you're hiking. It’s not just because you are distracted by the spectacular scenery but because blood and oxygen is going to your muscles instead of your stomach. This makes you feel less hungry.

However, if you don’t eat, energy levels will only reduce making Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) seem harder than it needs to be. As energy levels drop, so does motivation. It also makes it more likely you will give up, trip or suffer from hypothermia.

For these reasons it’s important to:

1. Take food you actually want to eat 

2. Make a conscious effort to eat little and often even if you don’t feel like it

3. Take foods that are high in energy. Aim for a good mix of slow and quick release energy

Mountain meals

Take a substantial meal of something you look forward to with slow release carbohydrates. This will give you sustained energy in the afternoon. Compliment this with the faster release snacks.

Here are some ideas for lunch:

  • Sandwiches: A great mountain lunch as they are easy to eat and carry. My personal favourite is wraps due to their high filling to bread ratio

  • Pasta: A carbohydrate packed food that will keep your legs moving all afternoon. Make sure you remember to pack a fork or something to eat it with

  • Pizza: One of my personal favourites. Pack the slices topping to topping and it travels well and tastes delicious

  • Muesli: Perfect for a sunrise hike

Anything that is high energy and you are used to eating and will work well. I have taken leftover curry and leftover Sunday lunch before. Both taste incredible after a few hours of hiking. Just be careful about how you transport any liquids.

Best Snacks for mountain hiking

Aim for foods that are high in energy and release it quickly to keep levels topped up. In addition it’s a great excuse to eat food normally considered ‘unhealthy’ such as cake, chocolate, sweets etc.

Here are some ideas for mountain snacks:

  • Fruit: A great sugary snack but can get bruised and bashed around if you're not careful. Take skins, cores etc home

  • Dried fruit: A healthy alternative to sweets and are packed with sugar and don’t melt

  • Trail mix: Nuts release energy slowly and the dried fruit release it much faster making it a good option for hiking. Can be jazzed up with M&M’s

  • Jerky: Good for it's high energy to weight ratio

  • Chocolate: Snickers used to be my bar of choice due to the slow release energy of the peanuts combined with the quick release energy of the chocolate and caramel. Goes very well with a flask of tea or coffee

  • Cake: Any sugary cake including flapjack, soreen etc. Also a match made in heaven with tea or coffee

  • Sweets: Sugary treats such as jelly babies are ideal if energy levels drop and are great for bribing children to keep going

What to eat if it’s hot?

Replacing fluids is the main worry in high temperatures.

Fresh fruit such as apples or oranges do this well and are super refreshing and will taste better than ever. 

You also lose electrolytes - (mainly salt & potassium) when hiking. Sports energy drinks or gels are good at replenishing these. Banana and dried banana is high in potassium.

Remember, some foods such as chocolate melt and will turn to mush on a hot day!

What to eat if it’s cold?

More often than not it is cold on the summit of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon). Eating can keep you up to 10% warmer compared with an empty stomach. This is known as thermogenesis. 

Eating anything will help with thermogenesis. Anything warm such as a flask of tea or soup is really good. Homemade flapjack or bara brith from a local bakery with a hot cup of tea are our top choice. 

How much water should you take for Snowdon?

The general rule 2-3 litres of water but check the weather forecast before you go. If it's hot you might want to take more fluids. If it's cold you might want some of these fluids as warm tea or soup inside a flask.

Water is likely the heaviest item you will take. Each litre of water weighs a kilogram so 2 litres of water weighs 2kg. Preloading on fluids by drinking a lot in the morning will reduce the volume you have to carry a little.

Final considerations

Stick to foods that you are familiar with

Changing your diet just before the hike isn't a good idea. It could lead to unpredictable bowel movements or an upset stomach; both of which are not welcome on a mountain.

All food provides energy so choose the foods that you are familiar with first then consider their energy content second. 


Think about the packaging. Tins for example are heavy, difficult to open and don't pack well once consumed. 

Structural integrity 

Foods such as banana bruise easily and and wet sandwiches turn to mush. For this reason, think carefully about how to pack them. If I’m taking bananas I keep them at the top of my bag and eat them as my first snack.

Don’t litter! 

Please take all packaging home with you as there aren't any litter bins on the mountain. It's best to take a designated rubbish bag.

Although banana skins, orange peel, apple cores etc. are all biodegradable they can take up to two years to decompose so please take them home.


  • Take food you want to eat

  • Stick to foods that you are familiar with

  • Check the weather before you set off and take appropriate food and liquids

  • Fuel with carbohydrate based food before the hike

  • Aim to take and eat around 2000 calories (possibly more)

  • Snack every 2-3 hours or when you get peckish

  • Take a little more than you need

  • Hydrate properly. 2-3 litres of fluid on the mountain is a general rule but on a hot day or if you drink a lot you may need more

  • Take your litter home

Article written by Tom, a local Mountain Leader who has climbed Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) over 500 times in all conditions.

A hiker with dog in the mountains
Tom with his dog Freya (who will eat any unwanted food to save you carrying it)


Is a fry up a good breakfast before Snowdon?

A fry up is not considered to be a good breakfast before any exercise due to its high fat content. This can cause stomach upset and slow digestion. In addition a fry up is high in salt which will cause you to drink more.

Are there any good pubs near Snowdon?

Yes, there a some good pubs near Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon). There are several in the village of Llanberis where the Llanberis Path starts.

Check out our post about the Best Pubs in Snowdonia for the best, the closest, the beer gardens etc.

Can you buy food on Snowdon?

There are two cafe's on Snowdon; Hafod Eryri at the summit and the Halfway House on the Llanberis Path.

Both of these cafe's are seasonal and don't open in bad weather so it's best to take everything you need with you.

Can you drink the water from the streams on Snowdon

It is often possible to drink the water from mountain streams as it is usually clean and always refreshing! However, harmful bacteria such as E. coli can be present even if it looks clean.

Is camping food a good meal for Snowdon?

Camping food will do the job but proper food is more nutritious, usually more tasty and more affordable so is best for most day hikes. If you are wild camping on Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) then camping food is a good choice as it is lightweight, easy to carry and stores well.


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